Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Re: From Africa With Love

There is certainly less to dislike in this article than is most from Prager. Indeed he should be commended for identifying with Obama as a legitimate President. It may be a low threshold, but an important one. Prager, though he often refuses to recognize the legitimacy of liberalism restrains himself from extending this to the entirity of the Democratic party or its president. There are some uncomfortable statements here and there, and I may not be the right sort of dog to catch which of these might be a dog wistle for much darker sentiments. But read on its face, I have only one Question and it is more playful than political.

What is the deal with Republican's sixties memory hole. The 1960's may not have been their favorite decade, but things actually did transpire during those ten years. Aside from the Cuban Missle Crisis, there was great celbration in Ireland at the election of John F. Kennedy. He even visited the home of his ancestors. I realise that his orthodox parents left him television deprived, but at the age of 12, the age he would have been then, I was regularly reading the newspaper front to back. I find it odd that there was not at least mention of Irelands love of Kennedy.

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